Tuesday, May 20, 2014

A superhero at our school

A Cashtastic Super Hero came to our class. She had a superhero cape and a superhero mask.

She talked to us about being Cashtastic Super Heroes and spending our money wisely.

We were learning to tell the difference between dollars and cents. 
A 10 cent coin is bronze. 
The 20 cent coins and the 50 cent coins are silver. The gold coins are the $1 coin and the $2 coin.

Then we saw the dollar notes, $5, $10, $20, 
$50 and $100.


We helped find the lost $10 note.

We learnt about needs and wants.
A need is something we need to live like food, water, shelter and love.
A want is something we would like to have like lollies, a bike, an iPad or takeaways.

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