Thursday, May 27, 2021

Pūtaiao ~ Sound !!!

 This term we are investigating sound.  

 Here is a great video link to help explain how sound is made and travels through the air. 

So far we have learned about the ear and how our ears turn vibrations into a message for our brain.  Our first experiment was to make a sound map.  we sat in one spot and mapped out all the different sounds around us.  Another experiment we tried was making a 'Chicken in a cup' 

This week we gathered data about which sound we could hear the furthest away from the source of the noise.  We found that high pitch bells were heard further away than a low clonk of wooden sticks. 

This is us on the Tōtara playground making as many different sounds as we could. 

Monday, May 17, 2021

Composting at school.


Our class has two compost monitors every week.  These children are responsible for taking our compost scraps down to the kitchen garden.  Over time this is turned into worm food and lovely compost. 

We are learning about the process and getting used to seeing all the scraps in the bin!!! Kia Kaha.