Monday, August 23, 2021

 Home Learning Activities    ~ Rāhina 23rd.

If you cannot access Seesaw give these a go today

  1.  Draw and Write:

Draw a picture of your house. 

Then write a story about the people that live in your house.  

You could start… “In my house…”.

  1. Build a Hut: 

Pick a spot in or outside your house where you can make a hut. 

What could you use to make it?

You can read, draw, play games or have a picnic in your hut!

Take a photo and send it through to me. 

  1. Find and Count:

Here is a list of things you can find and count in your house. 

Easy What's in My Bedroom? Indoor Scavenger Hunt Printable - About a Mom

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