Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Pūtaiao ~ Static electricity

 Today we observed and experienced the effects of static electricty. 

After creating a ghost or picture from tissue we rubbed a balloon on our hair to create friction and an electric charge.  

We learnt that electricity is all around and in us.  We noticed that people with long hair didn't make a strong static charge compared with those who rubbed the balloon on short hair.  We also wondered if the weather made more or less and if the size of the balloon mattered? 

It was heaps of fun!


Friday, September 24, 2021

Beautiful art in room 6

 We have created some beautiful art in Room 6 this term.  

Last week we had a go at printing using printing ink and rollers.   It was a long process but worth it!

Maui and the sun art with a sun poem. 

Our Purple moment shared what we liked about Lockdown.  It was inspired by a book we read about a boy who loved purple.

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Paper, scissors,... back to school!

 Paper, Scissors, ..... back to school! 

The last few days have been a lovely chance to reunite and settle back into Room 6 after lockdown.  

We have enjoyed lots of takaaro (Play) and discussions about our favourite part of lockdown.   

Talking about hygiene and what the new level 2 looks like at school has been important and we have enjoyed lots of outside time playing our favourite class game  Paper, Scissors, Rock.   

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

  Home Learning Activities    ~  Rātu 7th.

Give these a go today!

1. Science ~ Pūtaiao
Do flowers drink water once they are picked?

Pick 3 daffodils and place them in 3 jars of coloured water (use food colouring). Over the next few days observe what happens.

2. Bird count. Sit in your garden or outside somewhere and count the different birds that visit. Record the type of bird (if you know) and how many come along.
You can make a tally chart like yesterday. House Sparrow Identification, All About Birds, Cornell Lab of Ornithology

Take the Te Papa Bird quiz.

Monday, September 6, 2021

  Home Learning Activities    ~  Rāhina 6th September.

Give these a go today!

  1.        Draw and write :  

Draw and describe Your favourite ice cream. Use your senses ~ how does it LOOK?

how does it SMELL? What does it TASTE like? how does it FEEL?

Why is it your favourite?

Auckland's Best Ice Cream Shops | Auckland for Kids

  1. Counting: Today make a tally chart. Collect information in a tally chart about the vehicles that go past your house. Watch and collect data for 5 minutes in the morning, then 5 minutes in the afternoon.

  2. Tally Chart - WordUnited

Are there any differences or similarities you notice? Are there more trucks or cars or bikes?

3. Listen and retell :
Listen to Greedy Cat online.

Draw your own Greedy Cat cartoon. What happens first? Then next? ....

Friday, September 3, 2021

  Home Learning Activities    ~  Rāmere 3rd September.

Welcome ~ Give these a go today

  1.  Draw and Write:

Draw a picture of your perfect garden treehouse. 

Then label your treehouse and write a story about it.

2. Read ~. The very hungry caterpillar.

Answer these questions: What did the caterpillar eat on Monday?

What made the caterpillar feel better after he had eaten too much?

3. Spot the difference.

  1. :Find The 5 Differences | Best Spot The Difference Game | Fun Puzzles For  Kids | Mango Kids - YouTube

Thursday, September 2, 2021

  Home Learning Activities    ~  Rāpare 2nd.

Give these a go today!

  1.        Draw and write :  

Draw a picture of your bedroom. You could draw it ‘birds-eye view’ ~ like in a map.   Describe your room in a story and write about your favourite game to play in your bedroom. 

  1. Collections : 

Do you have any collections?   Count and sort your collection. 

 How many pieces?  

How many ways can you sort your collection? 

Kid's CollectionsThe Simpsons figurine collection | Toy collection room, Displaying  collections, Toy collection display

  1. Read and retell : 

Read a story at home or listen to a story from storyonline. 

Retell the story to someone at home.  What happened first, next, and lastly. 


Wednesday, September 1, 2021

 On Wednesday, 1st September. Wellbeing Wednesday

As a school, we have made the decision to join many schools across New Zealand in having a Wellbeing Wednesday. On this day, there will be no new digital learning set.

This will be a day away from more formal digital learning. Students will have an opportunity to learn offline and engage in a range of non-digital activities. They might be tasks that your children would like to do together or alone, or they might want to do something else entirely. Suggested activities will be posted on the class blogs.

This day is an opportunity to support students and teacher wellbeing. It is a time to recognise and focus on emotional wellbeing in these challenging situations. We can all do this by providing opportunities to connect, be active, notice, keep learning and give.

Staff will use this time for marking work and to prepare and organise resources for the next few weeks of online working ahead.

An example of what you could do at this time.