Saturday, August 29, 2020

Disco and Daffodil day !!

Disco and Daffodil day !!

Recently we have had lots of fun dressing up and celebrating our Kowhai Disco and Daffodil day. 

 Building Volcanoes in the sandpit. 

Room 6 have been building lots of volcanoes and experimenting with craters and eruptions. 

Check out these pictures !

Friday, August 21, 2020

Pūtaiao with Whaea Georgia

 The volcanologists of Ruma Ono shared lots of their knowledge about volcanoes with Whaea Georgia when she came to see them on Wednesday.

Here is a volcano full of magma.
This volcanic vent is full of magma.
We watched this video of an eruption in Hawaii

We predicted, noticed and thought like scientists. What is inside volcanoes? What it gas? How could we tell that gas is coming out of the volcano?

We put vinegar in bottle (the volcano) and baking soda in the balloon. When we tipped it the balloon filled up! On filled up more than the other.

What is going on here?

By the end of the day the balloons looked like this. The volcanologist of Room 3 thought that some air/gas has leaked out of one 'volcano' more than the other. Volcanoes can be different.

Nga mihi Ruma Ono. You are great scientists.

Sunday, August 2, 2020

A visit from Buddy.

Buddy the baby goat came to visit our class.  
Cherie, the farmer,  brought her orphaned baby goat to our class and taught us all about looking after him.  We got to feel his soft fluffy coat and ears.
We had a few questions....
How old is Buddy?     "3 weeks old." 
What does he eat?      "milk from a bottle every 3 hours." 
How big will he grow?       "as tall as you !  with very big horns. "
What does he like to do at home?        "climb up high on anything he can! Goats love climbing."