Friday, March 20, 2020

Tōku Pepeha....My Pepeha. 

This week we have completed our pepeha booklets.  Pepeha introduces who we are in te reo māori.  
It can give us a sense of belonging and help us feel connected and rooted in our family and whakapapa. 

Our turangawaewae theme this term is Ko Wai ou? .... Who am I? 

Your child will bring their pepeha home in their homebooks next week.  

Friday, March 13, 2020

Baking Bread. 
This week our big book was all about animals who argued over a piece of bread.  In the book "It's my bread", while the animals argued a troop of ants began taking the bread unnoticed.  In the end, the ants could say "No, it's our bread!". 

We enjoyed making the bread together from scratch. 
We talked about yeast and how it makes the bread rise.  When it was baking, the smell filled the whole room and drifted into Room 5.  Soon we had hungry Room 5 children asking for a piece.  
So we decided to share our bread with Room 5 just like the ants shared it with their nest. 

Thumbs up !!!