Thursday, February 28, 2019

Sketching the Gateway.

Our school gateway is a special taonga (treasure) of our school.  

We are learning about the wider Hamilton city and our school and what makes them special.  

Today we sketched the gateway using "whispering" lines, "talking" lines, "shouting" lines and shading techniques.  

We found the details were hard to draw.


Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Waikato River Trip.

Our favourite things about the boat trip....

"the whole boat trip"  Amelia and Elias

"I liked the river"  Reon

"I liked being with my friends"  Ryan

"I liked sitting at the tables and playing with my friends"  Kanishka

"I liked seeing the bridges,  the hump bridge"  Dua

"I liked sitting down inside" Ciara

"I liked being up the front"  Molly and Khadara

"Being on the river" Cooper

"looking at the cars on the bridges"  Pelenaise


Friday, February 15, 2019

Visiting Te Parapara garden at Hamilton Gardens. 

We visited the gardens today instead of the Marae (due to a tangi).

After a fantastic welcome at Te Parapara gardens by Pippa and the Kapahaka we enjoyed morning tea in the shade. 
We walked around lots of beautiful gardens.  We looked at flowers,  tomatoes, bumble bees, the Zeppelin, and the old car in the Katherine Masefield garden. 

Our favourite garden was the Indian summer garden as it had lots of water fountains to cool our arms and faces in!

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Making ice cream and settling into Room 4. 

Last week we made ice cream!  we used cream, vanilla essence and sugar. We placed it all inside a bag of ice and shook it round and round until it was solid and frozen (sort of). 
It tasted delicious, especially with sprinkles.

Making Ice Cream was fun but messy!!!


We have visited the school library with Cathy and Madeline.  We go to the library every Tuesday. 

We have finished our individual portraits!  
Come in and see them up on the wall. 


Everyone seems to have found their way around the classroom but are still finding areas to play in and explore. 

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Welcome to Room 4.

Welcome  to  Room  4,  2019.  

Kia ora  whanau,  I  am  Mrs M.  (Becks)  the  classroom  teacher  and  I  am  really  excited  to  be  teaching  your  child  in  the  year  ahead.  

This is our class blog where you can see and comment on some of the things we do as a class.   This  is a different  space  from  SeeSaw which  are  individual  blogs.   This class blog is where you can see some of the whole class learning and school events we get up to throughout the year. 

 Remember to check out our school Facebook page.  
This is a great way to see notifications too. 

Please feel free to come in and visit our classroom. 

Kia ora. 
Mrs M.